Thursday, March 31, 2011

Honorable Mention in The City Pages "MCAD Comic Students vs 2012"

I received an honorable mention on's "Minnesota vs 2012"  Check it out, yo.  You can see all of them here:

What happened to The Wu-Tang Clan?

I'd like to start this out by saying, with no irony:  WU-TANG CLAN FOREVER!!!  There is nothing anyone can say or do that will reverse my thoughts on this, NOTHING.  Unfortunately it appears as if the remaining Nine Generals (R.I.P Ason Unique) have seemingly forgotten what indeed made them Forever.  Enter The Wu, Forever, Only Built 4 Cuban Linx, Liquid Swords, Tical, Uncontrolled Substance, Return to The 36 Chambers: The Dirty Edition, these albums are what make The Wu an undeniable and irreplaceable pillar of Hip-Hop.  More recent releases by these legendary MC's have been lackluster at best and seem to fall way short of the greatness we have come to expect of them.  That being said each of these "New Wu" albums still have a few tracks of merit, but are overall lacking as albums.  While this saddens me, it really doesn't matter that much due to the strength of the afore mentioned classics.  What REALLY get's me down is their "Live" show.  I put live in parenthesis because it appears as if most of the members on stage are on the brink of death in so much as they don't give a SHIT about preforming for the audience.  The last Wu show I went to members either half heartedly delivered their lyrics or opted to have others rap them for them (Cappa rapping GZA's verse while The Genius stood RIGHT NEXT TO HIM!)  I was infuriated.  They seem to forget that there are ACTUAL fans of Wu-Tang that go to these shows.  Granted 85% of the people I asked admitted they were there because it was "something to do" and didn't really follow or care about The Wu, which is terribly sad to begin with, but still, you think they would recognize there are cats out there who only refer to Staten Island as Shoalin, call people "son" and "God", refer to their parents as their "Old Earths" and even some of us who take their lyrics WAY too seriously (I didn't wear sandals for a year because of the GZA lyric "feminine like sandals").  Those are the people Wu-Tang should be playing for, those are the people who they should be sweating and bleeding for.  Method Man was on point at the last show, but that was it.  RZA wasn't there and the rest might has well not even had shown up.  I sincerely hope that this unfortunate change in their Ruckus bringing abilities is a but a hiccup, but I guess only time will tell.  Until then, turn that shit up, my Clan in the front want it.

Peace to The Gods and The Earths

First Blog, Baby!

What's up errybody, this is the first of many blog posts from your's truly, Brian.  I'm setting this thing up so that people can follow both my art and other various rantings and ravings I decide to ruminate upon.  I plan on updating this beeyatch at least 3 times a week (maybe more if it starts picking up) so check back often, yo.